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Sir Thomas Abney Primary School

Shine Through

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Welcome to Sir Thomas Abney Primary School

Visitors to Sir Thomas Abney remark on the calm, caring and courteous children they meet around the school.

We are a two form entry primary school, located within Stoke Newington on a large site which brings exciting opportunities for innovative teaching and projects.

The school is a happy and safe place where every child is encouraged to learn to the best of their abilities whilst still having fun.

There is a dedicated and hardworking staff committed to ensuring children receive an outstanding education which recognises the talents and develops the achievements of each child.

We hope you enjoy exploring this website and invite you to visit our school and truly appreciate the warm and welcoming atmosphere.

Geraldine Fitzmaurice | Executive Headteacher


Nursery and Reception tours available

We love showing visitors around our school and they comment on the warm, welcoming environment and how happy our children are.

Free school meals for all full-time nursery children.

Please contact the school office to book a personalised tour of our lovely school.