Special Educational Needs
At Sir Thomas Abney we are committed to supporting every child to achieve their full potential. We pride ourselves on being an inclusive school, where we celebrate diversity and difference and acknowledge the richness that this brings to our school community. We aim to provide opportunities for all children to access a broad, balanced and creative curriculum that is personalised to meet children’s individual needs, regardless of age, gender, ability, ethnicity, language or background.
Inclusion is at the centre of our schools aims and values and SEND is seen as a shared responsibility by the whole school and all members of the school community. Children with Special Educational Needs are identified as early as possible, so that we can provide the right support to enable children to thrive. We use a graduated approach of targeted interventions to support children’s learning, and where appropriate we seek additional support from outside agencies. We have a skilled team of professionals working in the school, including three Speech and Language Therapists, a Drama Therapists and an Education Mental Health Practitioner, and have strong links with professionals from other agencies including the Educational Psychology service, Specialist Teacher service and Re-engagement Unit.
Sir Thomas Abney Primary School has an Additionally Resourced Provision (ARP) for children with a severe speech disorder or difficulty, or a diagnosis of Developmental Language Disorder. Further information about this provision can be found here .
Children who have been identified as having Special Educational Needs are monitored by their class teacher and the SENCO to ensure that they are receiving the best possible support. For some children who are receiving a higher level of support, including those with Education Health Care Plans and those in our Additionally Resourced Provision, termly SEND Review meetings are held to allow the parents, SENCO, class teacher and other professionals to discuss the child’s progress and set new targets.
The Inclusion Team
Maxine Apcher – Deputy Headteacher, Inclusion lead
Alice Poulten – SENCO
You can contact the inclusion team on 020 8800 1411 or email SEND@sirthomasabney.hackney.sch.uk
Sir Thomas Abney SEND Information Report February 2022
Sir Thomas Abney Accessibility Plan
Hackney Local Offer: